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1895 Pacific Avenue Apt 401
San Francisco
United States


Jennifer Tuton San Francisco jewelry designer. Handmade jewelry. Semi-precious gem stones. Fine jewelry. Fashion jewelry. Initial Necklaces.

Medium Open Links Bracelet


Discover the timeless beauty of Jennifer Tuton Bracelet. Perfect for any occasion, our collection features a variety of styles, from fun to classic designs. Crafted with high-quality gold and gems, these bracelets are a symbol of elegance and sophistication. Explore our selection and find the bracelet to elevate your style

Medium Open Links Bracelet

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Medium Open Links Bracelet.jpg

Medium Open Links Bracelet


The ever-so-popular open links in a slightly heavier chain. Pair with the thinner or thicker Open Links bracelets to amplify the look.

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  • 24K gold overlay

  • 7”L