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1895 Pacific Avenue Apt 401
San Francisco
United States


Jennifer Tuton San Francisco jewelry designer. Handmade jewelry. Semi-precious gem stones. Fine jewelry. Fashion jewelry. Initial Necklaces.


Filtering by Tag: rings

One for the guys: Jewelry to make her say YES

Jennifer Tuton

You're in love.  Luckily enough, she loves you back.  You've gone from candle lit dinners, to pizza in front of the TV and Wednesday laundry nights.  You're comfortable in your relationship, but you want her to know you adore her, appreciate her, and think she's amazing.  How about gifting her something she isn't expecting?  My FINE line has just the ticket.  Stunning, one of a kind rings (and earrings), with gemstones and diamonds (without being THE diamond).  Women love REAL jewelry.  And often it's the one thing they won't necessarily purchase for themselves -- because they're waiting for you to do it.  It's not glib, it's delightful.  A woman that receives an 18K gold gemstone piece of jewelry will forever remember the fella who gifted it to her.  And hey, what else is possible then?